p o n e e t i s l a n d s
The Undocumented Arrival
The Undocumented Arrival
There is a story that is whispered by the people of the Poneet Islands that some believe a fantasy, while others believe completely. It is the story of Balajz Koobineeva and her undocumented arrival to the Poneet Islands. Although the Poneet Islands have a history of poor documenting, the last few hundred years has seen a change in this regard and many say the Poneet Government is hiding the truth when it comes to the history of Queen Balajz Koobineeva.
These groups who believe a conspiracy existed point to the fact that not one Poneet Islander of her age could remember her attending educating classes at any level. Not one person could be found that said they were childhood friends with the Queen. It’s as if she just appeared one day and the Koobineeva Family took her in and created the union for Prince Dayeekee Koobineva.
These groups who believe a conspiracy existed point to the fact that not one Poneet Islander of her age could remember her attending educating classes at any level. Not one person could be found that said they were childhood friends with the Queen. It’s as if she just appeared one day and the Koobineeva Family took her in and created the union for Prince Dayeekee Koobineva.
Very few people at the time questioned her validity until an accident sent Balajz to the Hospitech for treatment. Rumors then spread that while under medical care it was found that Balajz had what appeared to be, inverted blood in color. The medtechs thought they were seeing something never recorded in Blissdane Naive medical history and proceeded to document and study what they were witnessing.
The rumor went on to say that the Royal Family then intervened and were able to squash all reports of the so-called inverted blood. Hospitech staff was paid and all went away. That was the end of the story as far as the Koobineeva Family was concerned.
The rumor went on to say that the Royal Family then intervened and were able to squash all reports of the so-called inverted blood. Hospitech staff was paid and all went away. That was the end of the story as far as the Koobineeva Family was concerned.
At the time this rumor was being whispered no one gave much thought to the significance of the blood inversion. And it was not raised again until the story of the time altered birds appeared. Now those same groups who believed the Government and the Royal Family were hiding something would be out again with their wild speculations.
These conspiracy groups believed that with the queen having no Poneet history, it could only mean that she must have arrived in the time event coming from who knows where. As the birds were altered by the time event, her travels must have affected her blood color.
The Royal Family laughed at this theory and believed that it was nothing more than a fringe group trying to destroy the Koobineeva family name.
Ironically, it was not long after these rumors started to bubble up again, the Koobineeva Monarchy would step down as the official head of the country. Conspiracy groups say that this was a plan to stop the possibility of further investigation into the true nature of the Queen’s history.
With the Tobacco wars looming and other more important events going on with the Poneet Islands the rumor of Balajz’s undocumented arrival faded away.
These conspiracy groups believed that with the queen having no Poneet history, it could only mean that she must have arrived in the time event coming from who knows where. As the birds were altered by the time event, her travels must have affected her blood color.
The Royal Family laughed at this theory and believed that it was nothing more than a fringe group trying to destroy the Koobineeva family name.
Ironically, it was not long after these rumors started to bubble up again, the Koobineeva Monarchy would step down as the official head of the country. Conspiracy groups say that this was a plan to stop the possibility of further investigation into the true nature of the Queen’s history.
With the Tobacco wars looming and other more important events going on with the Poneet Islands the rumor of Balajz’s undocumented arrival faded away.
West Junee historian Jonus Crodable, has recently said that the Balajz Koobineeva rumor is not far fetched at all. And he points to the story of Queen Lorreen Cruzk and her rumored journeys to Arth (or Earth) as evidence. Crodable asks, "Did Balajz come from Arth? She came from somewhere and we're pretty sure it wasn't Blissdane Naive."
The Poneet Government has not responded to Mr. Crodable's comments.
The Poneet Government has not responded to Mr. Crodable's comments.