VOL. I No. 002
© Mujand LLC
December 22, 2013
A New CurrencyBECZENNY, WEST JUNEE -- The West Junee Government will release it's commemorative banknote in early 2014 according to West Junee Treasury officials. Conceived from an earlier design by Troz Dularianos, the dragonfly banknote will commemorate Queen Lorreen Enta Cruzk whose mysterious death has intrigued the nation for centuries. Governor Esland Zjo Plat stated at a recent introductory ceremony, "These banknotes will honor the country's rich history with an image of the queen, as well as having the late Talia Veechi's signature as Chief Cashier on the note."
MYSTERIOUS IMAGE Early reviews of the banknote claim that the image of Queen Lorreen Cruzk on the reverse of the note seems to show her emerging from some mysterious portal carrying what appears to be a planet. Critics claim that this image alludes to the old rumor that the Queen made some sort of temporal journey to a nearby galaxy hundreds of years ago. The Treasury Department has denied interviews to discuss the image. We will have to judge for ourselves... FINANCIAL NEWSDOBIT STREET, ZILCHY Investors took to the markets and reduced their stock holdings in huge numbers causing the Dobit 300 Index to witness a 345.50 point drop from 3193.75 to 2848.25. Stock exchanges around the world have been plagued by the sudden withdrawal of investor support. Analysts speculate that ervescent gold’s price rise, due to the Handin Hordess incident, is the most significant cause for the movement from paper to precious metals. Eg - 2167.32 bit, Es – 398.26 bit.
On its way back from Applious Gostay with its largest cache of ervescent gold ever, Wakarki Mining Company’s (WMC) shipping vessel, Handin Hordess, fell pray to a rouge gravity spout and was completely destroyed, losing its crew and cargo. With other deliveries from Applious Gostay put on hold until the gravity spout has been identified and cleared, prices for precious metals continue to climb aggressively.
VALGUSTUS PROFESSOR GOES MISSINGRAECHI, MUJAND REPUBLIC. -- Professor Jekho Sicoury of The Valgustus University Archeological Department has been reported missing, along with two students and a research assistant. A maintenance engineer reports seeing all four missing people gathered within Professor Sicoury’s office near 10pm.
Initial reports by Campus Police are that there are no signs of struggle and no evidence of foul play. They received the first missing report stating the group had not been heard from for at least 10 hours. Colleagues and friends state that neither of the missing spoke of plans for any research trips. The Archeology Department also has confirmed that no research expeditions were scheduled. Lead investigator, Sergeant Arten Raske of the Raechi Police Department, had very little to share with us at the time information was gathered for this article. “We will be questioning many people in the coming days as we conduct our investigation. Other than that we have nothing more to contribute,” said Sergeant Raske in a brief statement to the Media. The Raechi Police Department is asking for witnesses to come forward with any information that may help the investigation. (Reporter's notes: A source close to the missing four people reports that Professor Sicoury was on the verge of a history-altering announcement. This source requests to remain anonymous. These claims could not be confirmed. Watch for updates as they arrive.) |
Judge Libby Erral has reviewed several case appeals involving convicted murderers and violent offenders who are asking to have their sentences reversed due to the Chasm X time anomaly. Their attorneys claim that the uncertainty in time clears their clients of being anywhere near where they were reported to be at the time of the alleged crime according to court records. Although the claims are an obvious technical manipulation, to date, 16 jury convictions have been overturned and the convicted felons have been released. These high profile cases have caused a flood of appeals throughout the country. A movement to have Judge Libby Erral removed from her bench is underway. NEW CURRENCY CONTROL FIDUCIARY INTEGRITY AND TRUST, RINBEL, DRUSLAND --
World governments have announced a new monetary group which will oversee exchange rates, fair practices and the integrity of paper money. The announcement came as a surprise to financial analysts, most saying that this type of government intervention will have a negative effect on world markets. The world's markets did show a drop but several reasons have been attributed to this decline. Several countries have protested the move including The Mujand Republic and The Territory of West Junee. Political analysts see this as a wedge that will create serious economic and political division in the world. (Correspondent Gent Birch reporting.)
UPDATETime Equalization Act (TEA)
On October 31, 2013 ET, the Chasm X Authority introduced the Time Equalization Act, which if ratified by the Supreme Macore Unity, will require that all countries on Blissdane Naïve adhere to ET. Several countries who were immediately informed of the TEA have made the changes to reflect ET rather than MT. Due to this date anomaly, institutions both private and public, have started exhibiting confusion and contradiction. (See Court Story above.) |