VOL. I No. 001
© Mujand LLC
November 11, 2013
CHASM X MARKS THE SPOTAT SOME POINT DURING BLISSDANE Naive's existence, a time altering event occurred (dubbed Chasm X by scienteers) and has left different cultures around the planet separated by approximately three thousand years. This mysterious time separation has affected different areas of Blissdane Naïve without any clear logical pattern. This random timeline has forced separation within some country’s own borders to keep the different realities from clashing or causing further damage. It has proved difficult to maintain order and some of the more advanced cultures have taken advantage of the lesser-advanced cultures, while at the same time, some older cultures have viciously continued their aggressive conquering ways of old.
MT vs ETAlthough the MT countries on Blissdane Naive are sometimes helped by the more advance cultures, the MTers (as they have become known) feel as though the ETers have too much advantage and the situation is completely unfair and have started to demand reparations of some kind. The ETers argue that any technological advancement shared with the MTers would do the ancient cultures harm as they will not have earned the knowledge. The MTers argue that the ETers did nothing but get lucky in the time event.
NOTICETime Equalization Act (TEA)
On October 31, 2013 ET, the Chasm X Authority introduced the Time Equalization Act, which if ratified by the Supreme Macore Unity, will require that all countries on Blissdane Naive adhere to ET. All though this information was transmitted to ET countries instantly, the Supreme Macore Unity will not debate or ratify the TEA until all countries on Blissdane Naive have received official notification of the proposed law change. Several frigates were dispatched to deliver the news but it could take up to one ET year to notify some of the more remote MT countries. Due to the Wright Act, hovering, flying or anti-gravity machines may not be used over any MT country airspace. |
The Negatively Altered Ancient Cultured PeoplesThe Negatively Altered Ancient Cultured Peoples has taken up the fight for the ancient cultures arguing on their behalf the issues, such as currency exchange, wealth disparity between time realities, resettlement opportunities and the trademark, copyright and patent regulations placed on these ancient cultures who were not given the chance to discover anything. Reparations are sought. Thus far, the advanced cultures have not given these demands much consideration.
An Illogical NotionFor now, two varying times will be used on Blissdane Naive; Mujand Time (MT) and Earth Time (ET). The illogical notion is that although Mujand Time is counted as 3000 years ahead of Earth Time (current MT, 5013, current ET, 2013), Earth Time on Blissdane Naive represents the advanced cultures while Mujand Time represents the ancient cultures. With the more advance cultures using ET, it has confused the ancient cultures. The ancient cultural leaders are asking what and where Earth is and how it became part of Blissdane Naive's time in the first place. No answers have been given.
Enter The Chasm X AuthorityThe more advanced countries of Blissdane Naïve have created a world organization called The Chasm X Authority (CXA). It is comprised of politicians, scienteers and law negotiating officials. Its charge is to ease the tensions that have occurred between the planet’s time realities.
The organization is comprised of three sections; The Chasmovas, The Xegmen and the Xegology Group. The Chasmovas is the political arm of the organization that suggests laws that must be considered by all countries and officiates time disputes as they arise. The Xegmen is the policing force charged with keeping the peace between the different time cultures. The Xegology Group is the scientific research arm of the Chasm X Authority, charged with investigating the event and monitoring the effects of the time displacement The Scienteers within this group have also been charged with making recommendations on reuniting the planet under one time. |